If you find yourself in an unusual situation that prevents you from complying with the rules of your degree programme, you can apply for exemption.
When you apply for exemption, you must prove that you were unable to comply with the rule in question. Circumstances which are within your control or which could have been planned for cannot be considered exceptional (e.g. delays in uploading an assignment via the digital exam system or your wish to go on a holiday).
In your application you must:
- State the rule to which your application relates (e.g. exam conditions according to the curriculum)
- Explain the special circumstances why you can not follow that rule (e.g., you are suffering from dyslexia), and explain what you wish to achieve
It is important that you state the reasons for your application and attach relevant documentation for the exceptional circumstances in question (e.g. medical certificate, documentation for dyslexia, etc.)
How to apply
Go to sdbf.dk and fill out the application form. You need MitID to log on to SDBF.
Response to your application
Your application will be received by the Study Administration. Depending on the type of dispensation you are applying for the application will be processed by either the Study Administration or the head of programme.
The following applications will be processed by the Study Administration:
- Maximum study time
- 4th examination attempt
- Retaking a semester
- Leave
- Special test conditions/Extended time for exams
All other applications will be read and processed by the head of programme. You will receive a reply from the Study Administration within five weeks.
Complaint instructions
If you wish to appeal against the decision, you must, within two weeks of receiving the response to your application, submit a written and reasoned complaint to this mail: klage@kea.dk.
Do you need guidance?
The study and career counselors are ready with guidance in relation to your challenges, opportunities and choices.