Student democracy and student political work are given high priority at KEA.
Student Council (DSR)
DSR - the Student Council – ensures an ongoing dialogue between KEA Rector’s Office and students in order to create an inclusive study environment and to heighten the quality of our programmes.
The DSR represents the interests of students both professionally and socially, and works to ensure that students have a direct influence.
Among other things, the DSR works for teaching, the academic outcome of the programmes and the planning of teaching. In addition, they have a social task, which is about being a contributing factor in the establishment of a good study environment – both on the individual programmes and across KEA's departments. They do this, among other things, in cooperation with the ROS team (the Fresher committee) and the Friday bars, both of which are run by student volunteers.
In addition to the DSR, you can also engage as a Student Environment Representative, an SMR, who focuses on the daily lives of KEA students. The Student Environment Representatives, the SMRs, are representatives of each class/team on each programme, and they have a strong locally anchored focus. The SMRs are thus also part of the student political work at KEA.
The Student Council (DSR) presidency
Consists of a chairperson and a vice chairperson who are the overall representatives of the Student Council (DSR) at KEA.
There are elections for the chairmanship of DSR once a year, where all KEA students have the opportunity to vote.
Contact DSR
You can contact DSR at if you have questions, suggestions or other inquiries for your representatives in the Student Council.

Members of DSR
Build representatives in DSR

Design representatives in DSR

Digital representatives in DSR

Tech representatives in DSR

Representatives from the bar commitee

DSR's articles of association
§1 The association's name is The Student Council at the Copenhagen Business Academy (KEA). The name is shortened to DSR.
Stk. 2 The association has its registered office at Københavns Erhvervsakademi, Guldbergsgade 29N, DK-2200 København.
Stk. 3 The association is registered as DSR KEA (CVR 38036777)
§2 The purpose of the association is to represent and look after the students' interests of both an academic, student political and social nature. DSR must contribute to ensuring an ongoing dialogue between management and students with a view to ensuring an involving study environment and the quality of KEA's programmes.
Stk. 2 DSR undertakes to promote well-being, general education and social networking among KEA students.
§3 Activity in association must help to promote the students' socialization, networking, well-being, education and development.
Stk. 2 DSR's business activity has a socially beneficial purpose for KEA students.
Stk. 3 All profits in DSR must be invested in activities that comply with §2 stk. 2.
§4 DSR can organize their work in subordinate committees, e.g. bar committee or party committee.
§5 DSR must be established as an association (with articles of association and CVR no.).
Stk. 2 DSR's treasurer manages and registers DSR's funds. All expenses must be documented in annexes and an account must be submitted at least once per year. semester related to DSR's ordinary general meeting.
§6 The association is independent of party politics.
§7 In DSR, no forms of discrimination are accepted. This applies, but is not limited to, discrimination based on gender, sexuality, disability, age, religious or political beliefs or ethnic origin.
§7 All full-time students at KEA are entitled to be members of the association.
Stk. 2 The board has the authority to, at any time, exclude one or more members by majority vote, cf. § 21.
Stk. 3 Members are not bound by DSR's decisions.
§8 All members can run for the presidency of DSR.
Stk. 2 The nomination for chairmanship must be notified to the treasurer no later than 2 weeks before the general meeting.
The association's bodies
§9 The association's governing bodies are in priority order; The general assembly, DSR board, DSR Chairmanship (business committee), Local councils and SMR.
§10 4 local councils are created that reflect KEA's organization in education areas.
Stk. 2 The organization of the individual local council is determined by the individual educational area. The local council consists of at least a chairmanship consisting of two students. The chairmanship shares the responsibility for operation and development of the local council as well as the representation and the corresponding responsibility in the DSR. The chairmanship and possibly substitutes are elected for a one-year period in the individual field of study. The DSR Presidency and KEA Studieliv assist with the election process if necessary.
Stk. 3 Upon resignation of the chairmanship of the Local Council, a temporary chairmanship is appointed as soon as possible from among other students in the local council and substitutes. The new chairmanship will be constituted at the next SMR meeting.
§11 Study environment representatives (SMR) are elected on all teams, on all programmes. The SMR is chosen by the individual team or can be appointed by the Local Council if one cannot be chosen by a simple majority of the team itself within a reasonable time. deemed necessary by the Local Council. SMR is registered with KEA Student Life.
Stk. 2 4 local councils are formed that reflect KEA's program areas. The local councils consist of at least two and up to eight people, elected by and among SMRs in the program area.
Stk. 3 The individual local councils meet at least once a year. semester with SMR for the relevant program area. The meeting is about the quality of KEA's education and the study environment at KEA.
Stk. 4 The Local council takes the initiative and is responsible for the meeting.
§12 The chairmanship of each local council is automatically assigned a seat on DSR's board of directors, cf. §21.
Stk. 2 If a student in the chairmanship of the local council is elected to the chairmanship of DSR, he resigns from the chairmanship of the local council. A temporary chairmanship will be appointed as soon as possible from other students in the local council and substitutes. The new chairmanship will be constituted at the next SMR meeting.
General assembly
§13 The general meeting is DSR's highest authority. Decisions taken at a general meeting can only be overturned at a new general meeting.
Stk. 2 The general assembly sets the guidelines according to which DSR must work for the coming semester.
Stk. 3 The DSR board prepares strategy and separate initiatives in accordance with objectives and guidelines appointed by the General Assembly.
Stk. 4 The general meeting can be held physically at one of KEA's addresses and/or digitally.
§14 Ordinary general meeting is called by the DSR Chairmanship or the board and is held once every semester.
§15 All full-time students at KEA have access to, the right to speak and the right to vote at the general meeting.
Stk. 2 Only students at KEA who are present in person have the right to vote. Casting a vote cannot therefore be done by proxy.
Stk. 2.1 Students who participate digitally also count as present, and must therefore be given the opportunity to participate on an equal footing with physically participating members.
Stk. 3 Voting at the general meeting takes place by a show of hands, unless the DSR or one of those present requests a written/digital vote.
Stk. 4 In the case of a vote, a simple majority vote applies. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the deciding vote. Amendments to the articles of association require a 2/3 majority of those present and entitled to vote.
Stk. 4.1 A unanimous board can make changes to the articles of association.
Stk. 4.2 Amendments to the articles of association made by the board must be publicly posted to members no later than 1 week before the next general meeting. If at least one member present at the general meeting declares disagreement, this entails an actual vote cf. stk. 4.
Stk. 5 pieces. 2 can be waived by a decision taken by a majority of DSR's board members, if this is justified by guidelines or recommendations from the authorities that have health or safety reasons. The decision is announced at the same time as the notice to the general meeting.
§16 Any general meeting that is sent by notice/call at least 14 days before the meeting and at which at least 10 members are present is capable of making decisions.
Stk. 2 At the next general meeting after the end of the financial year on 31 December, audited accounts are submitted for approval.
Stk. 3 The ordinary general meeting must contain at least the following items:
- Selection of conductor and referee
- Approval of the agenda
- The chairman's annual report
- Presentation of accounts and budgets
- Election of members to the DSR board.
- Optionally.
§17 The minutes of the general assembly are published on KEA's intranet for students.
§18 If reports, accounts etc. is rejected by the general meeting, an extraordinary general meeting must be held within 8 weeks after the ordinary general meeting, where approval can take place. If, after this, approval is still not obtained, the final approval passes to the DSR board.
Extraordinary general assembly
§19 An extraordinary general meeting must be convened if at least 1/3 of the DSR board or 50 full-time students make a request to this effect by signature. An extraordinary general meeting is called by the DSR board.
Stk. 2 KEA Student Life also has the option of calling an extraordinary general meeting.
Stk. 3 An extraordinary general meeting must be called no earlier than one week and no later than three weeks after a written and reasoned request containing the agenda has been submitted to the DSR chairman.
DSR board of directors
§20 The DSR board and chairmanship are responsible for the association's activities between the general meetings.
Stk. 2 The DSR board of directors establishes rules of procedure for the committees and local councils.
§21 The DSR board consists of a chairman, deputy chairman and treasurer, as well as chairmen and deputy chairmen of the local councils that have been established. The chairman, deputy chairman and the treasurer of the DSR board make up the chairmanship.
Stk. 2 The election of chairman, deputy chairman and treasurer takes place by three separate votes at the ordinary general meeting, which is held in the autumn semester.
Stk. 2.1 KEA Studieliv is entitled to assume the role of cashier.
Stk. 2.2 KEA Studieliv has no voting rights in the DSR and can only act in an advisory capacity.
Stk. 3 DSR's board can supplement itself with up to four seats, two of which are allocated to KEA's social committee. one representative of KEA's Friday bars - the Bar Committee at KEA - and one representative of KEA's ROS committee (introductory supervisors).
Stk. 3.1 The representatives of KEA's social committee are elected by and among the students in the social committees or appointed by DSR if they are not elected by the committees within a reasonable time.
Stk. 4 The DSR board elects from its members up to 3 substitutes for the Chairmanship. The alternates take over in the event of members of the Presidency falling due or on leave. The position of chairman is occupied by the deputy chairman in the event of the chairman's absence or leave, after which the other seats are distributed.
Stk. 5 The DSR board itself decides who, in addition to board members, can participate in DSR board meetings. These outside participants have the right to speak but not to vote at the meetings.
§22 14 days after the DSR board's first meeting after the ordinary general meeting marks the changeover date for the members of the Presidency. Within 14 days, the outgoing and new Chairmanships must hold a meeting/s, where the outgoing Chairmanship is wound up and tasks are handed over to the new Chairmanship.
§23 The DSR board makes decisions with an ordinary majority vote. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the deciding vote.
Stk. 2 DSR board quorum when at least half of the board is present.
§24 The chairman of the DSR board is also chairman of the association.
Stk. 2 DSR is tasked with ensuring that two students are elected for representation on KEA's board, of which one student is appointed by DSR's board and one student is elected by vote from among all full-time students at KEA.
§25 Foreperson and deputy foreperson participate in at least one meeting per semester with KEA's management.
DSR Local council
§26 The local councils meet every semester with the education management in the individual education area. The initiative for these meetings can come from both sides or from KEA Student Life.
§27 The local councils have a responsibility for ongoing dialogue with local bar committees and ROS associations (introductors). Any problems in these committees can be brought before the DSR board.
§28 DSR runs 3 social spaces with the aim of non-profit education. One at each KEA address. The rooms function as multi-rooms, where the room must function as a framework for social development, networking and promoting the well-being of KEA students.
Stk. 2 All full-time students are welcome in all DSR premises regardless of the operators, DSR and Local Councils.
Stk. 2.1 Those responsible for operations may at any time reserve the room for specific arrangements and events that comply with § 28.
Stk. 2.2 KEA Student Life is overall responsible for ensuring that the premises, within reasonable limits, meet the expectations of DSR and KEA students.
Stk. 3 DSR's board of directors appoints an operational manager to run the social initiatives for students.
Stk. 3.1 The operational manager is tasked with preparing an annual budget and ensuring the general operation of the premises, including cleaning and setting up the premises.
Stk. 4 Social initiatives must basically provide the opportunity to bring the students together on a daily basis.
Stk. 5 The serving of alcohol is permitted on Fridays between 14-22. Dispensing can only be carried out by operators and members who have received approval from operators.
Stk. 5.1 Exceptions can be made to the time of dispensing by agreement with KEA Student Life at least 2 weeks prior to settlement.
§29 DSR is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits in relation to execution of events. Including alcohol permits and noise permits.
Stk. 2 DSR is responsible for ensuring that KEA's rules and legislation are complied with in DSR's premises.
§30 The financial year follows KEA's financial year, which is the calendar year.
Stk. 2 The DSR board handles the financial dispositions within the budget approved by the general meeting.
Stk. 3 The association's treasurer can get support from KEA's finance department and KEA Student Life cf. §21 stk. 2.1.
Stk. 4 The accounts are submitted for approval at the general meeting.
Stk. 5 The chairman has a duty to present a true picture of the association's finances to DSR board meetings.
Drawing rules
§31 The association is bound by the signature of the chairman, deputy chairman and treasurer.
Stk. 2 The DSR board can issue a power of attorney and has the option of issuing a power of attorney to individual persons.
§32 The association is solely liable with its assets for its obligations. Members are not personally liable for the association's obligations and cannot claim any part of the association's assets or dividends.
§33 The association can be dissolved if there is a 2/3 majority in favor of this at two consecutive general meetings. KEA will be informed of the result of the vote immediately afterwards.
Stk. 2 In the event of dissolution, the association's funds must be transferred to KEA, which ensures that the funds are used for purposes determined by students.
Subsidy for the Student Council
Higher education institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science are awarded an annual grant of DKK 43,419 earmarked for the institution's student organisations.
KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology has one independent student organisation, the Student Council, which in the year 2023 has received 100% of the allocated grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.