Artificial intelligence (AI), in the form of ChatGPT and similar chatbots and programs that can generate text and code, has in a short time become a popular tool that is easily accessible.
AI - Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of ChatGPT and similar chatbots and programs can among other things generate text, images and code. As such they can be utilized, for instance, to generate ideas, give creative inputs or feedback or proofread text.
As a student, you are responsible for the use of statements and data generated by AI in your assignments and other study-related work. KEA recommends that you use AI with a reflected and critical approach, as AI may generate false or wrong information.
If you use AI as a tool in your assignments, you need to reference your use of AI correctly.
Furthermore, you need to be aware of the fact that you are not allowed to enter, e.g., company secrets or other sensitive information into an AI system. Secret or sensitive data must be removed before you save or ask an AI tool to analyze the data.
You can get advice/counsel/guidance at KEA Library
You also need to be aware of the fact that it may be regarded as cheating (in your exams) if your references are not correct and/or insufficient.
You can read more regarding exams and cheating and the consequences of cheating at the exams.