Internship is a mandatory part of your programme at KEA. Get an overview of the things you need to know and where to get help.

The length of the internship depends on the programme you are attending:
- AP or top-up degrees: 10 weeks internship corresponding to 15 ECTS credits.
- Bachelor degrees: 20 weeks internship corresponding to 30 ECTS credits.
- Optometry: 1,5 years internship corresponding to 90 ECTS credits.
You cannot do an internship for more or fewer weeks, and the working hours of your internship must be 37 hours per week.
Internship at KEA
The video gives you an overall introduction to what it means to be an intern as part of your programme at KEA.
In the video, we briefly tell you about what, where and when and how to get help in relation to your internship.
Three types of internships
At KEA, you can choose between three types of internships.
Internship in Denmark or abroad
All of KEA's programmes offer workplace internships in Denmark and abroad:
Internship at a workplace in Denmark
Internship in your own company
Do you have your own business? Check the internship section on your programme page to see if an entrepreneurial internship is possible on your programme:
Getting of to a good start
We have gathered all the good advice for your internship search to prepare you to find and contact an internship company yourself and get a grip on the internship contract, the internship exam and much more.
Good advice for the internship process
It’s a good idea to start your internship process early. Here are four tips for the different phases of the process:
1. Finding just the right company for you
It’s a good idea to talk to your internship supervisor before you start looking for an internship company. For instance, you may talk about which types of companies are relevant and what type of work content makes sense in relation to your programme and wishes for future work tasks.
The internship supervisor is one of your teachers who can help you with your academic questions about the internship. You will be assigned an internship supervisor the semester before you start your internship.
Find a company
Once you are clear about what you want to get out of your internship, start by searching the market for relevant companies.
We’ve gathered a lot of good advice to help you find just the right place for you:
2. Contact the company
Once you have found one or more companies that could be relevant for your internship, you should start contacting them.
We have gathered a number of tips on how best to get in touch with the company. Including tips for your resume, preparation of a pitch and much more.
3. Sign the contract and get the practicalities right
Once you have made an agreement with an internship company, you need to keep track of all the practicalities, including your internship contract. For example, it is important that you get a good grip on the internship contract before your internship starts. The internship contract must be signed by both you and the company.
Here is an overview of what you need to know before you start your internship:
Read about the internship contract and the formal internship requirements
What you need to know during the internship
Once the agreement is made, the contract is signed and you are completely ready to start your internship, drop by our guide and find out what you need to know about during your internship.
What to find in the guide
We will guide you on how to get off to a good start in your new role as an intern. You can also read about the mid-term evaluation and the internship exam. If you experience problems during the internship, we also guide you on how to get help. We want you to know that you’re not alone if you experience problems during your internship.
What it was like to start an internship
Watch the video, and find out what Philip, Jakob, Emma and Jens thought it was like to start their internship and get their best internship tips:
Internship where you have a student job
It is possible to do an internship where you have a student job. However, discuss it with your internship supervisor as being an intern in the same place may present some disadvantages.
The internship must be approved
An internship in the company where you have a student job can be approved if it meets the general requirements.
Read about the requirements for internship companies
Agreement on internship tasks
When you are doing an internship at the same place as where you work your student job, it is important that you make an agreement with the company about your assignments. Which tasks do you solve as part of your unpaid internship and which tasks do you solve as part of your student job?
We also recommend that your contact person at the company during the internship is someone other than your student job boss.
The student job is additional
As an intern you work 37 hours a week in the company solving study-relevant assignments approved by your teacher at KEA. This means that your student job is in addition to the 37 hours.
KEA's Job Portal
Find your internship on KEA's job portal.
At you’ll find an overview of posted internships, student jobs, full-time jobs and projects. As a student you can view vacancies, create a profile and get relevant ads sent automatically.
Where to get help
If you have questions about the internship search, the academic content or anything else about your internship, you can get help from your internship supervisor and KEA's internship coordinators.
Contact your internship supervisor
Your internship supervisor can help you with specific questions such as:
- Which tasks are relevant to you? Or with questions related to e.g., the following:
- The guidelines on internships in your programme curriculum
- The internship exam
- Problems during the internship
Contact KEA's internship coordinators
KEA's internship coordinators can help you with questions about e.g.:
- The internship contract
- Insurance during internship
- Finances
- Rules and formal requirements
- Internship abroad
- Entrepreneurial internship
- Problems during the internship
You can call the internship hotline at: 46 46 00 61 or contact them by email. See address below.