A student who becomes aware of trade secrets during their internship or in connection with projects or assignments written in collaboration with companies may not pass on or use such secrets without permission in accordance with the rules in § 4 in the Trade Secrets Act.
Non-disclosure agreement
If the company has a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), this can be used by the students. KEA does not have to review or approve such a document, but the student has the option of getting help reading through it if necessary.
KEA's employees and censors are subject to the Public Administration Act's rules on confidentiality. This means that e.g. internship reports or assignments prepared by the students may only be used in connection with guidance and evaluation of the students, as well as administrative procedures derived therefrom.
At mit.kea.dk/en/exam-rules you can read how KEA handles confidentiality in relation to examination.
On that basis, it is not necessary for KEA's employees or examiners to sign additional certificates or declarations of confidentiality in connection with the assessment of a student's internship report or assignment.