Here you can see when KEA is closed for holidays.
Holidays and closing days
There are the following regular holidays and public holidays at KEA, where there are no classes:
- Easter: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday (Monday)
- Ascension (Thursday)
- 2nd Pentecost (Monday)
- Christmas and New Year: (24 December – 1 January)
Constitution Day (Grundlovsdag) and May 1 are regular opening days at KEA, so you generally do not have a day off there.
Other anniversaries and the like are normal teaching days, unless otherwise announced on the individual programme.
There are scheduled lessons during the autumn holidays in week 42 and during the winter holidays (weeks 7 or 8) and there are often scheduled lessons in the days leading up to Easter.
Always remember to check your schedule at and ask about your education before planning a holiday.