Welcome to Your Student Life, featuring a wealth of social and academic associations and activities that welcome everyone.

Student life
At KEA, we have two Student Environment Coordinators and a student assistant who collaborate with students to create and develop an inspiring and inclusive study environment. Their daily work involves supporting students' voluntary engagement in everything from student politics and social-academic events to Friday bars, social study start with intro guides, and other initiatives.
What the Student Environment Coordinators and the many volunteer students have in common is their passion for creating the best conditions for a safe and fun study and learning environment. Always with a focus on a student life where differences are respected and valued – a student life for everyone, not just some.
You can find the Student Environment Coordinators daily at the guidance center/library at Campus Guldbergsgade.
You are always welcome to stop by or write to studieliv@kea.dk.
Be a volunteer
As a volunteer at KEA, you make a huge difference to your own and your fellow students' student life.
As a volunteer at KEA, you have the opportunity to focus on challenges and opportunities, create small and large changes and become part of unique social and professional communities with other KEA students across programs and semesters.
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? Then read more about the many voluntary associations
Student environment coordinators