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Application Master

Join our workshop on 'Application Master' where we guide you through the process of writing applications for a wide range of funds. We delve into what it takes to make your application strong and convincing.


Through practical examples and interactive exercises, you will learn to identify key elements in your business narrative that will attract the attention of investors and fund administrators. From financial forecasts to project details, you will gain a clear understanding of how to present your business in a way that increases your chances of success.


Turn your financial dreams into reality. Sign up now and get the necessary support to write winning applications and unlock potential funding!

Annette Rye Larsen and Jens Stanek facilitates the workshop.

Language: Danish and English, adapted to participants - depending on the composition of the audience.




GBG. A202, KEA Københavns Erhverv Akademiet, Guldbergsgade 29N, 2200 København, Denmark