During this workshop, you will be introduced to how to segment and profile your target groups, and which stories you should tell when talking about your products/services to make them understand what you can do for them, and in the end, sell.

How good are you at defining your target audience? How well do you know them, and do you know what they are doing? How does your offer fit their needs? And can you do something to improve the stories you tell about your products and/or services? Come join the TARGET AUDIENCE, VALUE PROPOSITION AND SELLING PROPOSITIONS workshop!

Jens Stanek, will introduce you to segmenting the market, profiling your target audiences, their customer journeys and what value- and selling propositions you should consider when reaching out for them.

We are going to try out different segmentation tools, work with creating useful personas, customer journey mapping, Value proposition canvas - and talk about Unique selling propositions as well as other potentially relevant propositions. The workshop will be a merger between small lectures and assignments where you are going to try out different tools and methods.


Jens Stanek, associate professor, senior lecturer at KEA, facilitates this workshop

Language: Danish and English adapted to the participants

Day: 01/02-2023 09:00-15:00